
Weekend To Do List For Marathon Month

Pray THANKS for mom's good news that her tumor might not grow and they just have to monitor it closely!

Prepare bed for Brooke and Jamie

Buy return tickets from Frankfurt, Germany

Secure accommodation in Tubingen, Germany (camping or slightly expensive hotel?)

Plan Ireland excursion with parents and Jonathan

Print off directions to German hostels

Clean apartment (make sure all scary spiders are MIA)

Buy fresh daisies


Obtain extra towel

Visit bank for Euros

Top up mobile

Shop for groceries (plenty of brown bag food)

Plan tentative meals

Make Scottish scones

Finish reading Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

Start reading Measuring Time by Helon Habila

Send dissertation tutorial work to tutor for next week's meeting

Birthday greetings for friends


Pop champagne from Editorial Director for successfully finished internship (and for the promise of future freelance work when we move back to the States)

Celebrate with Jonathan for his first official call into DCE ministry from St. Peter Lutheran Church in Lodi, CA!


Grace said...

It sounds like your plate is VERY full right now. I'm so glad to hear the good (or better) news about your mom. She is so strong! And congrats on your internship and the call to Lodi. Wow! You and Jon are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm VERY happy to think my dear friends in Lodi might have the privelege of serving alongside you two. Keep me updated if you think of it. I'll be anxious to hear your decision :)


Anonymous said...

WHOA!!!! Congrats to Amy's amazing mother, AND to jonathan. :) Can't wait to hug you two...
