

I've discovered the importance of spreading myself out. Not that I want my life equated with the term "spread eagle," (in more ways than one that would be a scary proposition ) but to venture out of my regular routine and find out what I like about life that I didn't know before. Like, for instance, drinking enough cups of tea to know that I like it stronger rather than weaker. To know that I prefer cream, the fatty, rich, delicious, real kind, not skim milk, in my coffee in the morning. To know that I prefer umbrellas rather than coat hoods, because the noise it makes when it dimples the canvas reminds me of camping in a pop up trailer with my family in the mountains in a rainstorm.

Tonight, I discovered reason number five hundred and sixty two why I am SO pleased Jonathan and I threw off our "buts" and "what ifs" and "maybe another time" excuses and moved our life to London. This reason (like many) has to do with the Masters program I'm taking. One of the ways it first appealed to me is that I would be able to experience a few different types of writing. Being the indecisive person I am, I couldn't decide between fiction or nonfiction. The Masters is giving me an opportunity to get better at both, but to also try out a new form this term: screenwriting for independent film. Brilliant course. Currently we're working on short films because it's the first step towards feature films. Concise, clever, and much like the short story, I think I've fallen in love with a new genre. And besides the obvious benefits of the course, it's also helping me with my other writing styles.

All that to say that if you've never spent much time watching short films (and I hadn't before this course) try them out sometime. Usually you can get them from libraries, online, and if you want to buy them, you can get them through iTunes or on DVDs through Amazon. Quickie entertainment at it's best!


Anonymous said...

1) i like tea stronger too...

2) cream in coffee is SO much better than milk...

3) i don't NEED an umbrella enough to even think about using one, but your description convinced me to use one tomorrow no matter what the weather. :)

i will watch a short film written by amy kopecky any time...

MattCario said...

Your coursework sounds really interesting. When do you graduate and (albeit an irritating question) what's ya'll plan after that?

Amy Kopecky said...

hey matt--
i graduate at the end of september after i finish my dissertation (assuming i'll finish my dissertation :) after that, who knows? i think Grace is on a campaign to get Jonathan at her church, and he would really like to return to the CNH district, so we'll see! i'm a bit nervous about it all, but it's in God's hands.

Anonymous said...

hold up the bus....why didn't I get a comment back amy?!?!

Amy Kopecky said...

hope you've enjoyed your unnecessary umbrella :) and thanks for believing in my short film ambitions. jonathan is convinced that wherever we end up next year we'll produce shorts together for our church-- like NOOMA. i would be happy to, except that i've learned that each short can cost an average of $2,000. (but it does depend on how much you're paying for actors, the film crew, make-up, scenery, etc.) here's a question--what kinds of short films do you think a church needs to see? topics? characters? settings? or does it depend on the church?